Types of Research Studies



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A PTA would like to research the effects of social networking on weight management. Her foreground question is:

Are women more compliant with home exercise programs when they use social networking to update their progress?


Qualitative measures may include exercise frequency, duration, pain levels and functional ability



Considerations for Research Study Designs

Research Study Design

Case Reports

Cohort Study

Pilot Studies

Randomized Controlled Trials

Systematic Review

Meta Analysis

Levels of Evidence

From reading a professional journal to performing an advanced search in a database, a PTA can evaluate the level of evidence available for a research (foreground) question.


Level I


Systematic review of meta analysis of all relevant randomized controlled trials or evidence based on clinical practice guidelines based on systematic review of RCTs


Level II


Evidence obtained from at least one properly designed randomized controlled trial


Level III


Evidence obtained from well designed controlled trials without randomization


Level IV


Evidence obtained from well designed case controlled and cohort studies


Level V


Evidence from systematic reviews of descriptive and qualitative studies (meta-synthesis)


Level VI


Evidence from a single descriptive or qualitative study


Level VII


Evidence from opinion or authorities and/or reports of expert committees



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