Gait training integrates the use of assistive devices and sequences to facilitate the most efficient and normal walking pattern possible. In lecture, the focus will be on understaning how gait sequence influences weight bearing through joint protection, safe cadence, and optimal posture.
Activities in this lesson will apply directly to practice activities in lab. A successful student will complete study gati sequences and understand principles of gait patterns before coming to lab. Your lab partner(s) will appreciate working with someone who is prepared to be safe.
- Describe the mechanics, advantages and disadvantages of non-weight bearing (NWB), selected partial weight bearing (PWB), weight bearing as tolerated (WBAT), and full weight bearing (FWB) gait patterns.
- Select safe step sequences for assisted gait on level ground and stairs based on a simulated conditions
- Demonstrate time management by preparing equipment prior to skill check activity
- Teach a simulated patient to perform a variety of gait pattern using appropriate equipment for the person's condition during a case simulation
- Perform assisted gait for a given weightbearing status for a simulated case
- Correct compensatory patterns during gait activities during simulation
- Engage in risk management through demonstration of critical safety elements during gait training in a case simulation
- Teach a patient to safely ascend/descend stairs/curb with a selected ambulation aid during a case simulation