
First, read the following excerpt from the USDA's Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010.

Many Americans do not eat the variety and amounts of foods that will provide needed nutrients while avoiding excess calorie intake. They should increase their intake of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products, seafood, and oils. These food choices can help promote nutrient adequacy, keep calories in control, and reduce risks of chronic disesase. Consuming these foods is associated with a health benefit and/or with meeting nutrient needs. They should be emphasized to help Americans close nutrient gaps and move toward healthful eating patterns. They provide an array of nutrients, including those of public health concern: potassium, dietary fiber, calcium, and vitamin D. It is important that while increasing intake of these foods, Americans make choices that minimize intake of calories from solid fats and sugars, which provide few essential nutrients.

from Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010. [Washington, D.C.]: U. S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, 2012. Print.

Next, complete the following practice.

 spacerShow/hide comprehension question...

Value: 1
Below the word(s) in italics is a verb in the sentence.

Eating a variety of foods is important for your health.


 spacerShow/hide comprehension question...

Value: 1
Below the word(s) in italics is a verb in the sentence.

It is necessary to make good nutritional choices each day.


 spacerShow/hide comprehension question...

Value: 1
Below the word(s) in italics is a verb in the sentence.

I love to eat nutrient dense foods.


 spacerShow/hide comprehension question...

Value: 1
Below the word(s) in italics is a verb in the sentence.

Consuming these foods is associated with an important health benefit.


 spacerShow/hide comprehension question...

Value: 1
Below the word(s) in italics is a verb in the sentence.

I am making an effort to eat more vegetables each day.


 spacerShow/hide comprehension question...

Value: 1
Identify the verb and subject.

Some of the most important foods to increase are vegetables and fruits.


 spacerShow/hide comprehension question...

Value: 1
Identify the verb and subject.

Individuals should increase their intake of whole grains.


 spacerShow/hide comprehension question...

Value: 1
Identify the subject and verb.

Many of the nutrients should be emphasized to help people attain optimal health.


 spacerShow/hide comprehension question...

Value: 1
Identify the subject and verb.

Eating fruits is important for the human diet.


 spacerShow/hide comprehension question...

Value: 1
Identify the subject and verb.

Vegetables, fruits, and grains provide an array of nutrients to consume.



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