
I. What is a fraction?

View this video:


Try this exercise:

Practice with fractions:


II. Equivalent Fractions

Watch this video:



Try this exercise:

Practice with equivalent fractions here.



III. Simplifying (reducing) Fractions

View this video about simplifying (reducing) fractions:


Try this exercise:

Practice simplifying fractions.


IV. Multiplying Fractions

Watch this video:



Try this exercise:

 Practice multiplying fractions here.



V. Dividing Fractions

Watch this video:



Try this exercise:

Practice dividing fractions here.




VI. Lowest Common Denominator

Watch this video:



VII. Adding Fractions

Watch this video:



Try this exercise:

 Practice adding fractions with like denominators here.


Watch this video:



Try this exercise:

Practice adding fractions with different denominators here.


VIII. Subtracting Fractions

Watch this video:


Try this exercise:

Practice adding and subtracting fractions here.