Professions Division

Family Food & Nutrition
FN 230
Instructor: Noy Rathakette, Ph.D.
Eugene, Oregon

Unit 8: Preparations and
Study Questions and

HEALTHY RECIPES from the class
DUE before midnight (11:55 pm) Saturday


Check these off as you complete them.

Post at least 2 (on at least 2 different days) responses to Dinner Conversation 8.

Read and choose your favorite recipes to cook for your family. The recipes might not be posted until Wednesday as it will take me some time to compile the recipes. (Please note that LATE recipes that were submitted after Saturday at midnight will NOT be included in the recipe results)

Complete Unit 8 Study Questions for 15 points.


Know what Ellyn Satter recommends regarding feeding solid foods to infants, including:

when to start

what to do about breast milk or formula

what babies' feeding capabilities are

what foods to start with

what to do about vitamin D & fluoride

what is good versus bad feeding advice

how to feed the foods

what to do about other nutritional supplements

what to do about juice, fat, sweets & weaning


  1. CSPI Press Release, (Center for Science in the Public Interest), December 28, 1999. Are America's Food Labels Y2K Ready?
  2. VIDEO Instructions & Questions (under Week 9)
  3. FINAL Project (beneath Week 9)
  4. Read  Child of Mine Ch.7- Feeding Your Older Baby pp 245-301. This is a LONG chapter that I think you will probably read in one of two ways. You might just skim it because you don't have children this age or you might immerse yourself (if you haven't already) because you DO have children this age. For the quiz, I'll focus mostly on the following pages:

    245-252 What You Need to Know to Get Started

    262-264 Bad Feeding Advice

    267-269 Oral-Motor Development

    272-275 Safety, Sleeping Through the Night

    281-282 Juice

    295-301 Fat, Sweets, Weaning

  5. "The Use and Misuse of Fruit Juice in Pediatrics".  A policy statement of the AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS, Committee on Nutrition

    Fruit juice should be used as part of a meal or snack. It should not be sipped throughout the day or used as a means to pacify an unhappy infant or child. Because infants consume fewer than 1600 kcal/d, 4 to 6 oz of juice per day, representing 1 food serving of fruit, is more than adequate. Infants can be encouraged to consume whole fruits that are mashed or pureed.
  6. DOES 'MILK' HURT KIDS?, Mary Carmichael, Newsweek; May 8, 2006.
  7. Guide to Non-dairy "Milks", by Reed Mangles, Ph.D., R.D., Vegetarian Journal, excerpt, Jan/Feb 1998.

  8. Note from instructor: Fluoride is a topic that has invoked heated discussion for decades. As with any element, from aluminum to iron to zinc, it's very dangerous in excess. There is good information saying supplemental fluoride is important for children, either as drops, pills, sealants or added to the water. There is ALSO good information that with good eating habits and regular dental care, cavities can be avoided without supplemental fluoride. As you consider this topic, be certain you're considering accurate information. On the web, you will find a lot of scare tactics and "Internet gospel" regarding fluoride. So if you read something on the web, be sure you look at the credentials of the person making the statement.

    Recommendations for Using Fluoride to Prevent and Control Dental Caries in the United States
    . The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 8/22/2001. Among points made in this article:

    "Much of the research on the efficacy and effectiveness of individual fluoride modalities in preventing and controlling dental caries was conducted before 1980, when dental caries was more common and more severe. "

    "The prevalence and severity of dental caries in the United States have decreased substantially during the preceding 3 decades. National surveys have reported that the prevalence of any dental caries among children aged 12--17 years declined from 90.4% in 1971--1974 to 67% in 1988--1991; severity (measured as the mean number of decayed, missing, or filled teeth) declined from 6.2 to 2.8 during this period."

    "These decreases in caries prevalence and severity have been uneven across the general population; the burden of disease now is concentrated among certain groups and persons. For example, 80% of the dental caries in permanent teeth of U.S. children aged 5--17 years occurs among 25% of those children."

    "Populations believed to be at increased risk for dental caries are those:
RESOURCES that are Optional Links:

I. DINNER CONVERSATION 8    Read the Dinner Conversion topics of the week from the moodle.

III. Unit 8 Study Questions (15 points) Preparation Questions 

    Skim last week's Dinner Conversation 7.   Do you find at least 2 postings by you on at least 2 different days?

  1. Still while looking at the "FINAL Project Instructions", scroll down to the instructions above questions 4 where it says "Be certain to put those exact symbols and letters <BR><BR> between each resource."

    Why does it say to do that?

  2. EX 2 (This question will be worth about double points and more than one answer is correct.) Focus on pages 246, 262-263 and 268. Which of the following are signs that a baby is probably ready for solid foods according to what Ellyn Satter says on these pages:  (Select all that apply.)

    • uses muscles in his neck to hold his head up straight
    • turns her head away if she doesn't want it
    • keeps his tongue flat and low so you can put in the spoon
    • weighs 13 pounds
    • doubles her birth weight
    • is taking 32 oz. or more of formula in a day
    • your doctor recommends it
    • still uses the extrusion reflex

  3. EX 2 Satter warns against waiting too long to start feeding solid foods to an infant. What is the reason given on page 247 that applies to BOTH babies fed iron-fortified formula and breast fed babies?

  4. EX 2 What does page 247 suggest is the best food to start feeding an infant with? (Select all that apply.)
    a. mashed mild fruit or vegetables   
    b. iron-fortified baby rice cereal   
    c. iron-fortified baby wheat cereal   
    d. iron-fortified baby barley cereal

  5. EX 2 Does page 247 suggest putting the baby's cereal in a baby's bottle?
    1. Yes. She says this is a good transition.
    2. No. She says to never put the baby's cereal in a baby's bottle.

  6. EX 2 According to what Satter says on page 249, when you first start feeding a baby solid foods, should you offer the nipple-feeding first or should you offer the solid foods first?

  7. EX 2 According to what Satter says on page 249, does a baby need to take a multivitamin or mineral preparation?

  8. EX 2 According to research cited with a footnote on page 255, does introducing solid food help a baby sleep through the night?
    1. Yes. The research cited by Satter says introducing solid food helps a baby sleep through the night.
    2. No. The research cited by Satter says introducing solid food does not help a baby sleep through the night.

  9. EX 2 On page 263, who does Satter suggest is the most likely source of a physician's information about feeding babies?

  10. EX 2 Read the "juice" section of the book (pages 281-282). Satter recommends starting juice with a limit of about what amount of juice each day?

  11. EX 2 In the RESOURCES above, I have printed a section of "A policy statement of the AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS, Committee on Nutrition" that can be found in "The Use and Misuse of Fruit Juice in Pediatrics".

    How much fruit juice does this statement say is an adequate amount (as part of a meal or snack rather than sipped throughout the day)?

  12. EX 2 According to page 295-296, why does fat in a child's meal provide "staying power"? (Select all that apply.)
    a. Fat in a meal slows the emptying time of time of the stomach.   
    b. Fat in a meal makes energy available to the body more slowly.   
    c. Fat in a meal makes energy available to the body for a longer time.

  13. EX 2 According to page 296, why does she feel you might as well hold off sweetening a child's grain food, like cereal?

  14. EX 2 On page 296-297, why does she say honey is unsafe for babies under 6-12 months old (and keep in mind this includes the honey in foods like yogurt or graham crackers)

  15. EX 2 On page 297, when does she say it's OK to give pasteurized cow's milk in a cup to a baby instead of breast milk or formula?
    1. 7 months of age
    2. when the baby begins eating solid foods
    3. when the baby has worked up to eating three meals a day from the table

  16. SURVEY QUESTION: When I was a baby, I was weaned from a bottle or the breast when I was:
    1. 8 months old or less
    2. 11 to 12 months old
    3. over one year old to 18 months old
    4. older than 18 months
    5. My mother does not remember.
    6. I was unable to get this information.
  17. EX 2 Read what Satter says about fluoride on page 252 of Child of Mine. When children get the recommended amounts of fluoride from birth, they have an average of what percent fewer cavities than children who do not get recommended amounts?

  18. EX 2 Read the Note from instructor in the RESOURCES above. Which of the following does the instructor say is true?
    1. There is good information saying supplemental fluoride is important for children, either as drops, pills, sealants or added to the water.
    2. There is good information that with good eating habits and regular dental care, cavities can be avoided without supplemental fluoride.
    3. both of the above
    4. none of the above

  19. EX 2 In the RESOURCES above, an article is described called Recommendations for Using Fluoride to Prevent and Control Dental Caries in the United States. You don't need to read all of it unless you'd like to. But do take a look at points made in this article described after the title of the article in the RESOURCES

    This says "Much of the research on the efficacy and effectiveness of individual fluoride modalities in preventing and controlling dental caries was conducted before ___________, when dental caries was more common and more severe. "

  20. EX 2 Those points made in this article: also say that "Populations believed to be at increased risk for dental caries are those: (Select all that apply.)
    1. with low socioeconomic status (SES)
    2. with low levels of parental education
    3. who do not seek regular dental care
    4. without dental insurance
    5. without access to dental services

  21. Were you were given fluoride as an infant?

  22. If you have children, was your first child given fluoride as an infant?
  23. EX 2 Read the CSPI Press Release in the in the RESOURCES near the beginning of this document. About what percent of a fruit drink like Sunny Delight is actual fruit juice?

  24. EX 2 Read the article in the RESOURCES above called DOES 'MILK' HURT KIDS? It describes two infants who were weaned onto soy- and rice-based milk substitutes. These infants showed symptoms of rickets, which the article says is a dietary deficiency of what nutrient or nutrients?
    a. vitamin D
    b. calcium
    c. vitamin B12
    d. all of these
    e. none of these

  25. EX 2 These infants also showed symptoms of kwashiorkor, which the article says is a dietary deficiency of what nutrient or nutrients?
    a. calories
    b. protein
    c. vitamin B12
    d. all of these
    e. none of these

  26. EX 2 This article also says that the problems associated with rice and soy milk are most pressing in kids younger than what age?
    1. 6 months
    2. 1 year
    3. 2 years

  27. EX 2 The article also says that which beverage has the least protein?
    1. one made from soy
    2. one made from rice
    3. one made from cows

  28. What did you read in the article DOES 'MILK' HURT KIDS that you think a parent would be glad to know?
  29. Read the article in the RESOURCES above called Guide to Non-dairy "Milks".
    According to this article how many grams of protein are in one cup (8 ounces) of Original Rice Dream?

  30. There are quite a few OPTIONAL LINKS for Unit 8 above in the RESOURCES. Pick one of them that interests you and look at it.
    Which one did you choose? __________________
    What did you learn that was interesting or surprising or not surprising? ___________