The Commission in Dental Accreditation's function is to accredit dental schools (for assisting, hygiene, and lab tech's) and education programs. By consulting in continued education program development they are instrumental in ensuring the accreditation standards are met. Every seven years accreditation of education programs is renewed. In fact, next year, the LCC dental assisting program will go through the accreditation process again, as seven years have passed since their last accreditation.



DANB is responsible for administering the Certified Dental Assistant (CDA) examination. DANB offers 3 pathways for credentialing and assumes responsibilities for certification, independent of American Dental Assistant Association (ADAA). The General Chairside, RHS (Radiation Health and Safety), and ICE (Infection Control Exam) component examinations make up the Certified Dental Assistant (CDA) examination. Successful completion of these exams allows the dental assistant to use the title CDA and EFDA (Expanded Functions Dental Assistant).



In the state of Oregon a Dental Assistant may hold the following certifications: EFDA, EFODA (Expanded Functions Orthodontic Dental Assistant), Sealants, Soft Reline (of dentures).


The Business Office personnel may hold the following certifications: Practice Management Specialist, Computer Program Specialist



Each states credentialing varies. To find out what duties are legal in the state a person chooses to practice in, they must go to, call, or visit online the state's Board of Dentistry.


At the Board of Dentistry in each state the "Dental Practice Act" (which each of you should have picked up from my office on the first week of school) contains and outlines the rules and laws that govern the different members of the dental team. For instance, if you wanted to know whether a dental assistant in Texas is allowed to place a Rubber Dam, you would look in the Dental Practice Act for that state, find the section for Dental Assistants, and look up the information there. Most states have the Dental Practice Act online, at the Board of Dentistry site. Something you will each find very helpful as you begin to research the data necessary for your final paper.