CIS 101 - Computer Fundamentals

Term: Winter 2025 Room: Bldg 19/Rm 120 Instructor: Andrea Hirons
Credits: 4 CRN & Time: 30503
TuTh 14:00-15:50
Office: Bldg 19/Rm 120
Office Hrs: TBA (for on campus usually directly after class in the classroom)

Course Description: A hands-on introduction to the personal computer and application software using Microsoft Windows. Students will learn basic computer terminology, the role of computers in society, and the use of word processing, spreadsheet, database, presentation and Internet software, including e-mail.

Objectives: Upon course completion, the student will be able to do the following:

Course Structure: Lecture, demonstration, and hands-on lab. There are in-class and online sections. There is the same syllabus for both. In-class students are welcome to make use of my Moodle classroom, and vice versa.

Web Sites: Syllabus and Moodle

Electronic Textbook: SIMnet - Microsoft Office 2019 - In Practice (Must be accessed via link in Moodle and will be billed as class materials.)

Materials: Removable Storage Media (USB Flash Drive), Downloaded lab files, Headphones to listen to book in class/library


ItemPoints/ itemTotal Points
1 Quiz/Mid-term5050
10 Labs*20200
5 Vocabs1050
1 Final Exam100100
Extra credit220
Total Points Possible500
Grading Scale by "Points"
A+ 498 B+ 447 C+ 397 D+ 347
A 453 B 403 C 353 D 303
A- 450 B- 400 C- 350 D- 300
*See Lab guidelines below for more information on scoring.
**in-class 5/day, online - weekly homework completion
A+ is only possible if all work is completed.

Course Guidelines

Exams: No make-up exams will be given without prior arrangements with the instructor.

Labs/Homework: Most homework is in the online tool. For paper assignments, they must be typed, printed, labeled, and stapled. Non-SIMnet homework may be turned in in class, or uploaded to Moodle. Labs must be on time and mostly correct to receive full credit, -20% for up to one week late, -50% at two weeks, no credit if more than two weeks late. Pick up your graded work. Unclaimed graded work will be penalized 2 points per week.

Labs turned in early earn 2 points "extra credit". Early is the the class before the due date. The point structure for labs is to encourage students to keep up with their work. Students who do the lab work regularly tend to do better in the course. The final day to turn in work is the last regularly scheduled class day.

If there are errors when the item is turned in, it will be returned, marked "Redo", and credit will be given after the corrections are made (they must be resubmitted within 1 week, or by the final class session, whichever is sooner).

Retain a backup of all your work until after you've received your final grade. If for any reason there is a difference between what you think you turned in and the points I think you've earned - you will need to show me the paper/file for the grade to be adjusted. I encourage students to check on their grade several times during the term to avoid surprises.

Collaboration: Students may discuss labs with other students; however, the work you turn in for grading must be your own. The consequence of turning in work done by another student can range from zero points on the assignment(s) to a failing grade in the course. Assistance on labs is available from the lab aids, tutors, and the instructor.

Class Attendance: Attendance *will be* taken on a formal basis, for credit/points. If you are late, you will receive fewer attendance points, and you will be responsible for seeing me after class to mark you present. Attendance is an excellent way to keep current, get help, and to understand the emphasis placed on the material for the exams. In case of absence from class, students are responsible for announcements made and material covered.

Classroom Etiquette: You're all adults. I expect that you will take personal responsibility for your decisions.

Email Protocols: Post all homework/lab questions in Moodle. For confidential questions about things such as grades and absences email me using your LCC email address. Please use a proper subject line - do not leave it blank. For this class please put CIS101 and your name in the subject line.

Administrative Drops: Students are responsible for dropping their own course(s) in time to receive a refund. You may also be administratively dropped in the first week, per LCC's No-Show Drop Policy.

Lateness, missed assignments, etc... It is the student's responsibility to have all the tools necessary to complete the course. This includes books, computer, Internet connection, disks, #2 pencils for tests, etc... "My computer broke," or "I didn't buy the book," are not valid excuses. Students must resolve these issues to successfully participate in the class. There are labs on campus and limited books available should your computer break or your books get stolen. If you stay in constant communication, and let me know immediately when a crisis occurs, I will be far more flexible. I will hold you to the letter of the syllabus if you only contact me after missing many assignments/tests/class sessions.

Accessibility and Accommodations: Center for Accessible Resources (CAR): Lane Community College (LCC) is dedicated to providing inclusive learning environments. The Center for Accessible Resources (CAR) coordinates all academic accommodations for students at LCC. If you anticipate or experience academic barriers due to a disability, to request assistance or accommodations, contact the Center for Accessible Resources 541-463-5150 or Please be aware that any accessible tables and chairs in this room should remain available for authorized students who find that standard classroom seating is not usable.

Course Outline, Labs (homework), & Tentative Schedule

Week Topic Reading, Ch=chapter Unless noted, "Lab" is "Let Me Try" in SIMnet
1 Introduction and Windows Programs Intro Ch V1, and Lab 1: SIMnet
2 Creating and Editing Docs Word Ch1 V2, and Lab 2: SIMnet
3 Formatting and Customizing Docs Word Ch2 V3, and Lab 3: SIMnet
4 Tables, Columns, Graphics Word Ch4 V4, and Lab 4: SIMnet
5 Creating and Editing Workbooks Excel Ch1 V5, and Lab 5: SIMnet
6 Working with Formulas and Functions Excel Ch2 Lab 6: SIMnet
7 Creating and Editing Charts Excel Ch3 Lab 7: SIMnet
8 Creating a Database and Tables Access Ch1 Lab 8: SIMnet
9 Creating and Editing Presentations PowerPoint Ch1 Lab 9: SIMnet
10 Internet or Review Final Download Lab 10: Create web page (LAST day to turn in Labs)
11 Final Exam/Project LCC Exam Schedule At LCC's officially designated time (see exam schedule), same room as class
Labs: SIMnet "Let Me Try" exercises are the homework. Vocabulary is separate. Label vocabulary clearly with a cover page info at the top of the page. You must click the links on the syllabus web page for additional information. See moodle for due dates.
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