Knowledge Translation Check!


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Applied Learning from Deconditioning

Revisit Chapter 23 in Cameron

Answer the following questions:

  1. What are the deconditioning effects associated with bed rest?
  2. How long should someone continue aerobic exercise conditioning to notice a positive change?
  3. What are current recommendations from the AHA and CDC for an effective conditioning program?
  4. What frequency of exercise is needed to maintain aerobic fitness?
  5. What are characteristics of an aerobic exercise program?
  6. What is the difference between the four methods of aerobic training ( continuous, interval, circuit, and circuit interval) and when are they used during rehabilitation?
  7. What is an example of a warm up and cool down and why are they important?
  8. How do resting HR change depending on patient's age and medical condition?
  9. What test and measure results would indicate termination of a stress test?


American Physical Therapy Association. 2019. Standards of Ethical Conduct for the PTA. Available at:

Austin Pea State University. 2019. Anatomy of the Heart. Available at:

Cleveland Clinic. 2019. Rate of Perceived Exertion. Available At:

Mayo Clini 2019. Sign and Symptoms of a Heart Attack: Available at: