Pregnancy State on Body Structure and Function

Weight Gain

Averages up to 25-27 pounds; range associated with maternal BMI

Increases stress to pelvic ligaments, which have higher elastic qualities

Change to thorax

Hormonally-induced: results in increased chest diameter, ribs flaring up and out


Work of breathing increases 15-20% due to increased demand, hyperventilation during pregnancy and dyspnea with mild exercise mid and late-term

Blood volume

Increases 35-50%

Blood pressure

Decreases in early pregnancy; pressure of uterus on inferior vena cava (IVC) in supine may result in hypotension; venous distension increases in LEs. Signs and symptoms of hypertension may result in serious and/or critical health compromise in the pregnant woman and fetus

Heart Rate

Increases by ~ 10-20 bpm by full term; arrhythmias may develop during pregnancy

Cardiac output

Increases by 30-60%; L side lying position minimizes compression from uterus to aorta


Abdominal muscles are maximally lengthened and functionally weaker

Reduced ligamentous strength throughout results in hypermobility/instability of joints and fascia

Increased demand on pelvic floor muscles

Postural compensations with potential long-standing changes


Average 300 Kcal/day needed during pregnancy due to increased metabolic rate


Enlarged adrenal, thyroid, parathyroid, and pituitary glands; relaxin and other hormones increases laxity


Nerve plexi and peripheral nerve compression due to fluid accumulation and structural changes


"Morning sickness", nausea and vomiting; increased likelihood of reflux, constipation, heartburn, hemorrhoids, etc.


Anatomical Internal Stabilizing Unit - The Lumbopelvic "Core"

Abdominal lengthening, pelvic floor lowering, diaphragm elevation, and increase laxity all contribute to movement dysfunctions and neuromuscular and/or musculoskeletal pain and decreased movement function with pregnancy

Changes in Posture and Balance

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