Saunders Cervical Traction
Check and loosen strap, open up neck to max opening, set traction angle for patient condition
Patient uses good body mechanics: sit to sidelying, log roll into traction
Cue pt to scoot down toward feet so that occiput pads are secure under occiput; position pillows for comfort under knees; remove hair away from moving parts
Slowly decrease neck width so occiput pads are fitted firmly; check patient comfort
Set hand pump to 'Pump'
Slowly add pounds of pull using hand pump, set to "hold" at desired poundage, decrease as needed for patient comfort
8-10# recommended at first for low load prolonged stretch to soft tissue x 90 seconds
Set hand pump to "release" to decrease traction pull
Repeat cycle according to patient need (intermittent vs. static)
Leave call bell if unattended
Set timer to remind yourself to check on patient
Allow at least one minute rest in supine and one minute rest with return to sitting following traction
Be sure to instruct patient on proper body mechanics when exiting traction device