Neurological System Functions


 In order to understand what can go wrong, we need to know what normal function looks like. It is easier to understand signs and symptoms of disease when you can reference the involved structures and processes. PT interventions, tests, and measures become more meaningful when you have a general understanding of deficits and potential for rehabilitation.

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Functional Overview

1. Sensory: Monitor internal and external stimuli

2. Integration: Brain and spinal cord process sensory input and initiate responses

3. Control: Muscles and glands

4. Homeostasis: Regulate and coordinate physiology

5. Mental activity: Consciousness, thinking, memory, emotion

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Which of the following are functions of the nervous system?

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Organization of the Nervous System

PTA 103 Organization of the Neuro System.jpg

Receptor     Sensory NS     CNS      Motor NS      Effector




–Brain, spinal cord, nerves, sensory receptors


–Central nervous system (CNS): brain and spinal cord

–Peripheral nervous system (PNS): sensory receptors and nerves