Universal Design - an approach to creating environments, products, and programs that are useable by all people to the greatest extent possible, without need for adaptation or special design (National Disability Authority, 2020).

The principles of Universal Design call for safe, user-friendly products that everyone can use. When designed well from the beginning, an environment that considers the principles of Universal Design ensures that no one is denied an opportunity to use and experience a space.

Because the principles of Universal Design apply to everyone, they generate an attitude of inclusiveness and challenges how we think about "normal".

For example:

As we age, we might need special equipment or assistance to perform tasks such as showering or opening doors.

If a building entrance is designed using the principles of Universal Design, then it would be designed without stairs. In addition, it would be equipped with assistiez opening devices to allow for easier access through the entry.

The concept of Universal Design was identified in the mid-1980 s when architect Ronald L. Mace first acknowledged the need for a new type of design. Mace advocated the use of this design for all people and founded the Center for Universal Design.

Several population factors contribute to the demand for Universal Design. These include:

• increasing life span

• increasing technological advances in medicine

• increasing obesity rates

• the aging of the baby boomer generation

The use of the Universal Design is beneficial to all people, not just those with disabilities. Others who can benefit include:

• individuals who may not meet the legal definition of a person with a disability but who have some degree of impairment

• those who have a temporary illness or injury

• parents with strollers

• children

As the push for equality through Universal Design becomes more prominent, an increasing number of designers and programmers are embracing these principles, resulting in more products, programs, and environments that allow all to benefit.

In Noodle, there is a worksheet for you to complete as you work through this course. At the end of the course the worksheet will become a Universal Design Action Plan that you will turn in as your assignment.

 Did You Know Activity 

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 Multiple Answer Quiz 

What external factors may be increasing the demand of Universal Design?

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