The Principles of Universal Design

Principle 3: Simple and Intuitive


Simple and Intuitive design advocates that the use of the design should be easy to understand, regardless of the users' experience, knowledge, language skills, or concentration level.

A confusing lift Example

An elevator is an example of a design that is simple and intuitive.

Conversely, a lift is not always familiar to users. This may cause potential confusion, or a lack of comfort with using the device. As a result, individuals may choose to avoid using it. In the end, individuals may miss the experience.


The handheld captioning system at Walt Disney World, shown on the right, provides captioning for the moving amusement rides. Designed for wireless reception, this device does not require the use of extra control features and provides a simple solution for park visitors.

Handheld captioning system






 Multiple Answer Quiz 

Simple and intuitive would include the following

[mark all correct answers]