PT Examination and Evaluation

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History: Includes positions and movements which increase and/or relieve pain, duration of symptoms, level of irritability, pattern during the day/night, pain quality and location, onset and history of previous episodes.

May include self-report questionnaires to quantify level of pain and/or disability due to lumbar symptoms; can be used to differentiate between physical findings and psychosocial contributors to pain presentation.

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During the examination, the PT will review the patient's history to rule out evidence of serious medical pathology. PTs use a systems review process to confirm the condition is within the scope of practice of physical therapy:


lumbar ROM2.JPG


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Value: 1

The most common impairment noted in a spinal examination is




Special Tests

Standing flexion.jpg

Sacral fixation test/Gillet's Test: Positive (+) if there is no PSIS movement as one hip flexes toward the trunk (iliosacral problem) (Approximately 1 minute)

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Sitting flexion test: Positive (+) if PSIS moves cranially as trunk flexes forward (iliosacral hypomobility) (Approximately 30 seconds)


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Value: 6

Match the items.

The task is to match the lettered items with the correct numbered items. Appearing below is a list of lettered items. Following that is a list of numbered items. Each numbered item is followed by a drop-down. Select the letter in the drop down that best matches the numbered item with the lettered alternatives.

a. prone knee flexion

b. sitting flexion text

c. prone instability test

d. Quadrant test

e. straight leg raise

f. Spurlings test




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