Standardized Tests and Measures for Balance
Berg Balance Scale
The Berg is a validated balance assessment which has been shown to be a reliable predictor of fall risk. It assesses static and dynamic components of sitting and standing activities in multiple planes. Standardized assessments are valid when they are administered consistently and systematically according to published guidelines.
The Berg is most applicable to older adults when assessing fall risk.
Berg Balance Scale Demonstration
Modified Clinical Test of Sensory Interaction and Balance
Computerized Dynamic Posturography (CDP)
CDP Demonstration
Dynamic Gait Index
This assessment tool is a valid fall predictor and is sensitive to identifying vestibular dysfunction. Sensitivity, however, is contingent on correct administration of the test.
Dynamic Gait Index Demonstration
MiniBEST Test
MiniBEST Test Instructions and Scoring Form
Fay Horak and colleagues at OHSU have researched balance and falls and have developed and tested (validity and reliability) this method to assess balance.
The MiniBEST has been shown to have less of a "ceiling effect" compared to the BERG. What does this mean? Can you think of a clinical reason about why you would select the BERG over the MiniBEST or vice versa?
Notice the "Subscore" areas on the MiniBEST form....see if you can develop your own ideas around why these subcategories are included as major factors for improving balance and preventing falls.