
Electrical stimulation is used in rehabilitation settings for neuromuscular re-education, tissue repair, and pain management. In this lesson we will review indications, parameters, safety, and expected outcomes of using electrotherapeutics in the plan of care.


Lesson Objectives

By the end of this lesson, the successful student will be able to:

  1. Describe the principles and theory for electrotherapeutics.
  2. Describe the physiologic effects for electrotherapeutics.
  3. Describe clinical decision making in the use of electrotherapeutics for neuromuscular re-education, tissue repair, and pain management.
  4. Describe procedures for administering electrotherapeutics, including obtaining informed consent.
  5. Describe the expected goals and outcomes for electrotherapeutics as related to neuromuscular re-education, tissue repair, and pain management.
  6. Identify the role of the PTA during application of electrotherapeutics.
  7. Discuss how the patient's medical status may influence selection and outcome of treatments with physical agents.