Electrical Stimulation for Tissue Repair

Let's recap the phases of wound healing quickly. Remember that there is a predictable sequence to tissue healing but the phases also overlap.

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Phase 1: Inflammatory Phase

Phase 2: Proliferation (granulation) Phase

Phase 3: Remodeling Phase

How can electrical stimulation affect wound healing?

"Current of Injury" occurs when there is interruption of the normal skin barrier with negative outer layer (stratum cornue m) and positive inner dermis layers, creating a voltage gradient at the edge of the wound. This positive polarity flows out from the wound and returns via the sodium potassium pump.


"Galvanotaxis" - electrodes act to carry charges cells within the wound since cells are attracted to either a positive or negative pole based on their own opposite positive or negative charge

Indications: wounds from the following categories:




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Application Techniques

  1. Direct Technique - Active electrode placed directly over wound with dispersive 15-20cm distal to wound

2. Periwound Technique - 2 electrodes are placed on intact skin adjacent to wound


*See Application Checklist and Patient Instructions in Behren's text